Sunday, March 24, 2013

Plaque Psoriasis

I always had clear beautiful skin when I was younger. Never really had facial breakouts unless it was the time of the month. I always remember being proud of my skin and thinking I was so lucky to have such clear and beautiful skin. I have seen friends of mine and sisters struggle with breakouts and skin problems for years and I felt so bad for them because it never seemed like there was ever relief. My luck was about to run out.

It was about 2008, when I first noticed red-silverish scaly patches on my skin and I thought that I just got a rash from some lotion, or a new body wash, or new detergent. So I didn't think much of it. But after putting some hydrocortisone cream on them, after a week they still were there and getting bigger. That's when I realized that it may be something more serious.

I called the doctor to schedule an appointment and get an answer for what these ugly patches were and I thought that he would prescribe some magic pill and That I would be cleared in a week or so. 
When my doctor saw the patches, He immediately knew what it was and told me that I had an auto-immune disease called Plaque Psoriasis and that this was Chronic and I would never get rid of it. I will have flares and that sometimes it will get worse. I was in shock. At this point I had little red patches covering about 60% of my body and was in panic mode. It was summer and I was fit and wanted to show off my awesome physique and go swimming. Do all the things that a normal teenage girl would want to do.

He prescribed me this cream called Dovenex. Told me to use it once daily and to use sunscreen because my skin was much more sensitive now. I was shocked. So I used that cream and it seemed to work. It didn't completely take the bumps away. It just made them less noticable and less painful. 

When I would run out of the cream and not get it for a couple days, my skin was in so much pain. It would get so dry and crack open and bleed. Regular lotion would burn when i used it and the spots were peeling. It was very noticable because i have spots on my hands, elbows, knees, scalp, and anywhere were my skin gets a scratch. So i have to be super careful. Which is hard for me because I have to have surgeries for IBD and where the scars are at I already notice Psoriasis forming. Awesome.
Did I mention it itches? It itches so bad somedays. Mostly on my knees. I have tried OTC psoriasis treatments and nothing helped. I have tried herbal soaps. The treatments would either make it more sensitive or turn my skin a yellowish color in that spot the treatment was used. 
I need to make my way to a Derm's office but I dont have alot of time or strength to go. Ill stick with the dovenex for now and actually the patent ran out so now there is a generic for it called Calcipotriol(Calcipotriene).

I have not tried other treatments because of my IBD. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. :)

I have always tried to hide my psoriasis in public and in pictures because people would always stare at me and wonder what was wrong with my arms. But now I just embrace it.. There isnt much I can do to hide it. cant wear long sleeves in 80 degree temps in summer.

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